Investing Today in Tomorrow's Future

The shape of Indiana with two photos inside of it
Green Starburst

East Central Indiana (ECI) Talent Collaborative is a regional collective impact initiative to improve talent attraction, talent development, and talent connection.

As a State of Indiana 21st Century Talent Region, we are made up of key stakeholders from nine ECI counties – Blackford, Delaware, Fayette, Grant, Henry, Jay, Randolph, Rush, and Wayne.

We convene our region’s diverse leaders, businesses, training and education providers, and nonprofits to pursue shared prosperity through equitable and dynamic talent attraction, talent development, and talent connection.

Our Strategic Pillars

  • Equitable Child Development & Education

  • Equipped Adults

  • Employers of Choice

  • Elevating Forge Your Path

  • Trust

Why does the ECITC Exist?

The population projections for East Central Indiana (ECI) are startling. According to industry experts, the majority of ECI counties will lose more than 10% of their population by 2050. This has a direct impact on future services, schools, investments, and industries.

Despite the presence of multiple post-secondary education options, ECI counties lag behind state and national averages in educational attainment. As a result, many of our residents do not have access to better and higher-paying jobs. Additionally, many of our region’s companies struggle to find employees for increasingly complex positions.

We share the same challenges across counties, have limited resources, and need a unified voice on state policy and funding.

East Central Indiana Talent Collaborative is that unified voice.

Green Starburst

Recent News from ECI Talent Collaborative